ମ୍ୟୁନିସିପାଲ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ
ରାଉରକେଲା - ୭୬୯୦୧୨
ଜିଲ୍ଲା : ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ, ପିନ : ୭୬୯୦୧୨, ଓଡିଶା
District: Sundargarh, Pin: 769012, Odisha

Academic > Examinations


  1. +2 Students: - Every student should have minimum 75% attendance of available classes to appear in CHSE examination as per decision of School and Mass Education, Government of Odisha.The College conduct Half Yearly and Annual Examinations for promotion into second year Classes. The monthly class test and test examinations are the eligibility criteria for every student to appear annual Higher Secondary examination conducted by CHSE, Odisha. The programme for Annual examination is given by CHSE Odisha.
  2. +3 Students :-Every student should have minimum 75% attendance of available classes to appear in the end term semester examination.The University Examination system is called CBCS examination pattern. It consists of six semesters. Every year students have to appear two semesters. Each semester consists of mid semester conducted by college and end semester conducted by university. The final result is published by university taking the performance of six semesters altogether. Courses:


    1. +2 Classes.- The courses of study are prepared by CHSE Odisha for Arts./Science/Commerce and Vocational subjects separately. The syllabus is given in PDF format of website of CHSE Odisha., The students are also advised to collect the syllabus in form of a book available in college library provided by CHSE, Odisha.
    2. +3 Classes: The syllabus for CBCS Examination is provided by University in PDF format for Arts/Science/Commerce. The students are advised to go through the website of Sambalpur University and search for their required syllabus. The syllabus is also available in college library for ready reference of students.
    3. Self Financing BBA and PG in Commerce students:- The syllabus is provided by Sambalpur University in PDF format. This is also available in college library for ready reference of students.